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Tsuushin Taikyoku: Igo Dojo 2700-Mon

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Tsuushin Taikyoku: Igo Dojo 2700-Mon
通信対局 囲碁道場2700問
2700 Mon WiiWare.png
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Predecessor: Tsuushin Taikyoku: Hayazashi Shogi Sandan
Successor: Tsuushin Taikyoku: World Chess
Release dates
Japan: August 5, 2008

Tsuushin Taikyoku: Igo Dojo 2700-Mon is a WiiWare Nintendo Go game. It is now discontinued due to the closure of the Wii Shop Channel and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.


As a traditional go game, the aim of the game is to score the most black or white tiles. If the player corners the opponent's tiles with their own, the game will capture all of the opponent's tiles and replace them with the player's color. The game featured tutorials for players and online gameplay, however, the online gameplay is now discontinued. [1]


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