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Game & Watch Gallery 2

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Game & Watch Gallery 2
Boxart of Game & Watch Gallery 2
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Game Boy Color
Players: 1
Predecessor: Game & Watch Gallery
Successor: Game & Watch Gallery 3
Release dates
N. America: 1998 (GB)
November 1998 (GBC)
Japan: September 27, 1997 (GB),
March 1, 2000 (GBC, NP)
Europe: November 1998 (GBC)
Australia: 1998 (GBC)

Game & Watch Gallery 2, known as Game Boy Gallery 3 in Australia, is a video game originally released for the Game Boy in Japan and North America, and then later released for the Game Boy Color worldwide. The Game Boy Color enhanced version in Japan was exclusive to Nintendo Power.

It is a compilation which includes six Game & Watch games: Parachute, Helmet, Chef, Vermin, Donkey Kong, and Ball.




Release data

Title Cover art Platform Release date(s) Notes

Game Boy Gallery 2 Game Boy Gallery 2 original title.png Game Boy 1998 Original Japanese release. If played on a Game Boy Color, it will use one of the palettes from the Game Boy Color bootstrap ROM.

Game & Watch Gallery 2 Game Watch Gallery 2 international title.png Game Boy Color 1998 International releases

Game Boy Gallery 2 (Nintendo Power) Game Boy Gallery 2 NP title.png Game Boy Color 2000 New Japanese release for Nintendo Power. It is still compatible on pre-Game Boy Color models, but is now in enhanced color on Game Boy Color (independent of Game Boy Color bootstrap ROM)


External links

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