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Nintendo Direct/1.18.17

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Nintendo Direct 1-18-17.png

The Nintendo Direct on January 18, 2017 is a Fire Emblem Direct. Airing at 2 PM PT, the Nintendo Direct featured multiple upcoming games in the Fire Emblem series, including the reveal of the Fire Emblem mobile game.[1]


In English, the presentation was narrated by Yuri Lowenthal.

  • Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia - Announces a full remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden for Nintendo 3DS. Presents a basic synopsis of the game, including the story and gameplay. The game is set to launch in May 2017.
  • Fire Emblem for Nintendo Switch - Announces that another new installment in the Fire Emblem series is currently in development for Nintendo Switch, the first home console installment since Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. The game is scheduled for release in 2018.
  • Fire Emblem Warriors - Shows an extended cut of the trailer shown at the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017, now including a first look at gameplay. The game is set to be released in fall 2017, for both Nintendo Switch and New Nintendo 3DS.
  • Fire Emblem Heroes - Reveals the Fire Emblem mobile game, giving an overview of the game's story and gameplay. Also announces "Fire Emblem Heroes: Choose Your Legends", a contest in which users vote for their favorite units throughout every installment in the series, the two winners (male and female) receiving special units in-game. The game is set to be released on Google Play on February 2, with an App Store release to be announced.

External links


  1. Tomorrow's Fire Emblem Direct will feature multiple titles, revealing mobile game. Nintendo Everything (January 17, 2017). Retrieved January 17, 2017.