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Bird & Beans

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Super Mario Wiki logo.png This article is a short summary of Bird & Beans.
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Bird & Beans
Tori to Mame
Bird & Beans.png
The logo of Bird & Beans.
Developer(s): Nintendo SPD Group No. 1
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DSi
Category: Action
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: April 5, 2009
Japan: December 24, 2008
Europe: April 3, 2009
Australia: April 2, 2009
S. Korea: April 15, 2010
USK: 0
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Bird & Beans (released in PAL territories as Pyoro) is a DSiWare title released as a spin-off of the WarioWare series, based on and a remake of the "Pyoro" and "Pyoro 2" minigames in WarioWare, Inc: Mega Microgame$!. The game was released as a launch title for the DSiWare service in Japan in 2008, and was later released in other territories in 2009.


Nintendo website

It's raining beans! Can Pyoro the bird catch them all?

  • Fun & addictive arcade style gameplay starring Pyoro
  • Catch beans before they hit the floor for a high score
  • Downloadable to your Nintendo DSi for a value price

In Bird & Beans, control Pyoro, a small bird with an elastic tongue and an insatiable appetite for beans. Scramble to catch beans that fall from the sky, racking up points as you go. The farther away the bean, the more points it's worth. Beware any beans that are missed, though—they will leave a hole in the ground that can’t be crossed, potentially trapping Pyoro. Bird & Beans also features a second version that enables Pyoro to spit seeds at high speed, bringing down more beans than ever before. This fun and fast-paced game requires skill and strategy to master and always leaves you wanting to play just one more time…

Nintendo DSi Shop

In Bird & Beans, control Pyoro, a small bird with an elastic tongue and an insatiable appetite for beans. Scramble to catch beans that fall from the sky, racking up points as you go. The farther away the bean, the more points it's worth. Beware any beans that are missed, though—they will leave a hole in the ground that can't be crossed, potentially trapping Pyoro. Bird & Beans also features a second version that enables Pyoro to spit seeds at high speed, bringing down more beans than ever before. This fun and fast-paced game requires skill and strategy to master and always leaves you wanting to play just one more time...


In Pyoro, the player plays as the titular character Pyoro, a bird who must run around and stick his long tongue out to eat the falling beans. By holding the A button, Pyoro sticks his tongue out further. If a bean touches the ground, it removes that block of the ground, and if one touches Pyoro, he dies. However, white-and-pink beans will recover a block of the ground when eaten. Pyoro 2 can be unlocked by playing Pyoro a certain amount of times, and in it, Pyoro spits seeds at beans instead of eating them. Otherwise, the gameplay remains the same.

Technical details

Technical details
Media: Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size: 11 blocks
Input / compatible controllers: Nintendo DSi

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