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Heisei: Shin Onigashima

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Heisei: Shin Onigashima
Heisei Shin Onigashima box.png
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Super Famicom
Category: Text adventure
Players: 1
Predecessor: BS Shin Onigashima
Successor: (None)
Release dates
N. America: (Unreleased)
Japan: December 1, 1997 (Nintendo Power pre-written version)
May 23, 1998 (standard release)
Europe: (Unreleased)
Australia: (Unreleased)
S. Korea: (Unknown)
China: (Unknown)

Heisei: Shin Onigashima is a text adventure game in the Shin Onigashima series, which is split into two parts which may be sold separately (including regarding the Japanese Wii U re-releases and possibly the Wii versions as well), but released on the same day (Zenpen and Kouhen, meaning "first part" and "second part", respectively).


Heisei: Shin Onigashima is a full and improved offline version of the earlier limited BS Shin Onigashima game for Satellaview. Unlike the original (non-Satellaview) Shin Onigashima, it is quite different; and tells the story in the perspective of Donbe and Hikari's animal helpers instead (Ringo the dog, Matsunosuke the monkey and Ohana the pheasant).


BS Shin Onigashima
BS 新・鬼ヶ島
BS Shin Onigashima title.png
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): St. GIGA
Platform: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Satellaview)
Category: Text adventure
Players: 1
Predecessor: Shin Onigashima
Successor: Heisei: Shin Onigashima
Release dates
N. America: (Unreleased)
Japan: Sep. 29, 1996 (Episode 1)
Oct. 6, 1996 (Episode 2)
Oct. 13, 1996 (Episode 3)
Oct. 20, 1996 (Episode 4)
Europe: (Unreleased)
Australia: (Unreleased)
S. Korea: (Unreleased)
China: (Unreleased)

BS Shin Onigashima was broadcast as a SoundLink game for the Satellaview Super Nintendo Entertainment System add-on, prior to the release of the above full offline versions.

Template:Shin Onigashima series