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From NintendoWiki, your source on Nintendo information. By fans, for fans.
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Developer(s): Genki
Publisher(s): JP: Genki
WW: Nintendo
Platform: WiiWare (Wii)
Category: Puzzle
Players: 1-4
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: February 2, 2009
Japan: March 25, 2008
Europe: January 16, 2009
©2008 GENKI Co.,Ltd. /
©2008 LONPOS Braintelligent Co.,Ltd.

Lonpos is a WiiWare game. Due to the closure of the Wii Shop Channel, it is no longer available to download.


A puzzle game in which the player must fill a field of 55 spaces using a set of 12 multi-colored board pieces. There are many different puzzles to solve, and multiplayer support. Additionally, the game once supported online play using Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection.[1]


  1. GameFAQs summary (unknown original source, possibly promotional blurb)