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Nintendo DSi Browser

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Nintendo DSi Browser
Developer(s): Nintendo
Opera Software
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: DSiWare
Category: Internet Browser
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: April 20, 2009
Japan: November 1, 2008
Europe: April 3, 2009
Australia: April 2, 2009
USK: 0

Nintendo DSi Browser is an Opera-based web browser for the Nintendo DSi, and the successor to the Nintendo DS Browser. This version uses a more enhanced version of the browser (Opera 9.5 rather than Opera 8.5) compared to the original. The software was released over the DSiWare service in 2008 in Japan, and in 2009 in other countries.

A certain time after release, Nintendo DSi Browser came pre-installed on all Nintendo DSi systems, and is installed on all Nintendo DSi XL systems.

This software cannot be transferred to Nintendo 3DS, though a version of the software is available for that system.


Nintendo website

Grab your stylus and start surfing!

Get on the Web with ease using the Nintendo DSi Browser. Powered by Opera, this simple-to-use Web browser is made specifically for the Nintendo DSi system, providing a seamless and intuitive browsing experience that makes the most of the system's touch controls and two-screen interface. Check e-mail, get the latest news updates, and more—wherever a wireless Internet connection is available. Grab your stylus and start surfing!

Nintendo DSi Shop

Get on the Web with ease using the Nintendo DSi Browser. Powered by Opera, this simple-to-use Web browser is made specifically for the Nintendo DSi system, providing a seamless and intuitive browsing experience that makes the most of the system's touch controls and two-screen interface. Check e-mail, get the latest news updates, and more—wherever a wireless Internet connection is available. Grab your stylus and start surfing!


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Technical details

Technical details
Media: Digital download (DSiWare)
Download size: 94 blocks
Supported features: Internet connection
Input / compatible controllers: Nintendo DSi

See also

External links