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Nintendo DS Browser

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Nintendo DS Browser
DS Browser original.jpg
Developer(s): Nintendo
Opera Software
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo DS
Category: Internet Browser
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: June 4, 2007
Japan: July 24, 2006
Europe: October 6, 2006
Australia: January 18, 2007

The Nintendo DS Browser is the predecessor to the Nintendo DSi Browser. These software were used, as a web browser was otherwise unsupported, and the in-built Nintendo 3DS Internet Browser wasn't available at the time. This version runs on Opera 8.5, while the latter runs on Opera 9.5.

See also

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Nintendo online services
 • Famicom Network System (Famicom, 1988)
 • Satellaview (Super Famicom, 1995) (scheduled satellite broadcast/download, but not Internet)
 • Randnet (Nintendo 64DD 1999)
 • Mobile System GB (Game Boy Color/Game Boy Advance w/Mobile GB Adapter and mobile phone, 2001)  • Online Nintendo GameCube gameplay (Nintendo GameCube, w/GameCube Broadband Adapter/Modem Adapter, 2002)
 • Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (Wii, Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo DSi XL optionally w/Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector, Nintendo DS & DSi Browser, 2006)
 • Nintendo Network (Nintendo 3DS, Wii U, Web, 2012/3)
 • Nintendo Switch Online (2018; Nintendo Switch)
 • Websites (Nintendo web browser games)