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Thunder Rally was a vehicular combat game in development for the Nintendo GameCube by Retro Studios. Originally known under the tentative name Car Combat[1][2], the game was said to be a "Twisted Metal Black killer", described in their original pitch to Nintendo as "QuakeWorld, Twisted Metal 2, and Mario Kart 64 with shades of Mad Max and Street Fighter II."[1]
The game would have featured a small number of stages, fewer and smaller than other vehicle combat titles, but would have featured more weapons and more interactivity in the levels.[1] The game was also originally planned to offer Internet connectivity, allowing players to battle online.[1] While slated to launch later in 2001[2], the project was ultimately cancelled as it was deemed too "high-risk"[1] and to focus resources on Retro's other titles in development at the time, Raven Blade and Metroid Prime.[2][1]