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Pilotwings NA box.png
Developer(s): Nintendo EAD
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
Category: Amateur flight simulation
Players: 1
Predecessor: (None)
Successor: Pilotwings 64
Release dates
N. America: August 13, 1991
Japan: December 21, 1990
Europe: 1992

Pilotwings is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System game, and the first game in the Pilotwings series.


The game was originally known as Dragonfly when it was shown at a 1989 demonstration related to the Super Famicom.[1]


A flight simulation game. As a new recruit of the Pilotwings Flight Academy, the player must take part on a number of aerial missions using a biplane, parachute and rocket pack, and is judged on their performance. There are a number of bonus missions in addition to the main missions.[2]


Pilotwings series logo
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