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Untitled Kid Icarus prototype (Wii)

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Untitled Kid Icarus prototype
Developer(s): Factor 5
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Wii
Category: (Unknown)
Players: (Unknown)
Predecessor: (N/A)
Successor: (N/A)
Release dates
Worldwide: Cancelled

An untitled Kid Icarus prototype was in development by third party developer Factor 5 for Wii between March 2007 to March 2008.

Factor 5 would internally produce some hypothetical new designs for Pit, which appear more gritty than the designs in the actual Nintendo 3DS reboot Kid Icarus: Uprising.[1]


Kid Icarus series logo
Main series Kid Icarus • Of Myths and Monsters • Uprising
Other Kid Icarus 3D Anime
Canceled Untitled Wii prototype
Related NIWA Wiki