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Marigul Management

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Marigul Management was a former second-party video game company partially owned by Nintendo and the Japanese company Recruit. It was founded in 1996 to promote smaller video game developers to come up with original game concepts, in particular for the Nintendo 64.

A total of five studios went forward to became part of Marigul Management including Ambrella, Clever Trick, Noise, Param and Saru Brunei. Although the company liquidated in May 2003, Ambrella and Noise continued to make games. Ambrella, the developers of Hey You, Pikachu! became well known for developing several Pokémon spin-offs such as Pokémon Channel and Pokémon Rumble, whereas Noise became popular for the Custom Robo series.


The company Marigul Management itself was developing a game called Teo for the Nintendo 64DD collaborating with Hudson Soft and Fujitsu. Fujitsu were considering publishing the game for its official release. It was meant to be a game similar to Hey You, Pikachu! where the player would speak with a flying dolphin called "Fin Fin" using a microphone. The game was based on the PC game Fin Fin on Teo the Magic Planet developed by Fujitsu, but unlike its predecessor, it was eventually canceled.


Clever Trick



A GameCube version of Doshin the Giant was later released in 2002, although assisted by Intelligent Systems. It was only localized in Europe.

Saru Brunei

Animal Leader eventually evolved to become Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest for the GameCube in 2002, again assisted by Intelligent Systems. It was only localized in North America.
