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Star Fox Zero

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Star Fox Zero
Star Fox Zero NA box.jpg
Cover artwork of Star Fox Zero
Developer(s): Nintendo
Platinum Games
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Wii U
Category: Rail shooter, third-person shooter
Players: 1
Predecessor: Star Fox 64 3D
Successor: N/A
Release dates
N. America: Holiday 2015
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Star Fox Zero is an upcoming Wii U installment in the Star Fox. The game is a semi-reboot of the series, drawing elements from previous games while also introducing new elements.

It has been stated by developer Shigeru Miyamoto that Project Guard and Project Giant Robot, also upcoming Wii U games, are connected to Star Fox Zero.


The game plays most similarly to Star Fox 64. Players can fly using the Wii U GamePad's build-in gyroscope or with the control stick. In addition, the television screen displays the standard third-person view, while the Wii U GamePad simultaneously displays a first-person view from the vehicle cockpit. Players can use the control sticks to do actions such as U-turn, somersault, and barrel roll. All-range segments also returns.

In addition to Arwings, players can also pilot the Landmaster for ground missions and a new vehicle, the Gyrowing for slower-paced missions. By pressing a button players can transform the Arwing into a Walker form, based on the walker segments from the unreleased Star Fox 2. The Landmaster can also be transformed into a full-flight mode, while the Gyrowing can release a smaller robot, the "Direct-i", which can be piloted independently from the Gyrowing.

External links

Star Fox series logo
Games Star Fox • 64 (3D) • Adventures • Assault • Command • Zero • Star Fox 2
Other games / Spin-offs Picross NP Vol. 4 • Dinosaur Planet • Star Fox (arcade, cancelled) • Star Fox Guard
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