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Star Fox Adventures

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Lylat Wiki logo.png This article is a short summary of Star Fox Adventures.
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Star Fox Adventures
Star Fox Adventures.jpg
Developer(s): Rare
Publisher(s): Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo GameCube
Category: Third-person rail shooter, action-adventure
Players: 1
Predecessor: Star Fox 64
Successor: Star Fox: Assault
Release dates
N. America: September 22, 2002
Japan: September 27, 2002
Europe: November 22, 2002
Australia: November 15, 2002
PEGI: 3+
ACB: G8+
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Star Fox Adventures is the third game in the Star Fox series, developed for the Nintendo GameCube and released in 2002. The game was developed by Rareware, and was both the last game developed by them for Nintendo and the final game released by them for a Nintendo home console. The game originally started as an adventure game for the Nintendo 64 titled "Dinosaur Planet", but was redeveloped to be a Star Fox game after Shigeru Miyamoto noted similarities between the protagonist of Dinosaur Planet and Fox McCloud, incorporating gameplay elements from the past Star Fox games.




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Star Fox series logo
Games Star Fox • 64 (3D) • Adventures • Assault • Command • Zero • Star Fox 2
Other games / Spin-offs Picross NP Vol. 4 • Dinosaur Planet • Star Fox (arcade, cancelled) • Star Fox Guard
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