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EarthBound 64

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WikiBound logo.png This article is a short summary of EarthBound 64.
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EarthBound 64
豚王の最期 Mother 3: Fall of the Pig King
Publisher(s): Nintendo
© 1999 Nintendo / HAL Laboratory / Shigesato Itoi

EarthBound 64 (known in Japan as Mother 3: Fall of the Pig King, with different subtitles as well through development) is a cancelled game for the Nintendo 64DD, originally in development for Super Nintendo Entertainment System and then the Nintendo 64. The game would be reworked as Mother 3 for Game Boy Advance, although certain elements of the game would differ, such as darker plot elements in the original.

EarthBound series logo
Main games Mother / EarthBound Beginnings • Mother 2 / EarthBound • Mother 3
Ports and remakes Mother 1+2
Other / canceled games EarthBound 64 • Nintendo GameCube prototype
Related NIWA Wikis: WikiBound icon English WikiBound icon • WikiBound (Italian) icon Italian WikiBound (Italian) icon