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Nintendo Entertainment System (M82)

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Nintendo Entertainment System
ファミリーコンピュータ Family Computer
NES logo.png
NES M82.jpg
Technical details
Media Nintendo Entertainment System Game Paks
Storage capacity N/A
CPU Ricoh 2A03 8-bit processor
Model no. M82
Can connect with N/A
Input NES Controller, NES Zapper
Backwards compatible with N/A
Services provided Testing NES games
Launch date 1985 August
Discontinue date ?
Units sold N/A
Predecessor Successor

The Nintendo Entertainment System model no. M82 (NES M82), also known as simply the M82 was an in-store demo unit of the Nintendo Entertainment System capable of holding 12 cartridges at once. The unit allowed players to test new NES games, with a limit on gameplay time, before making a purchase.

The unit came with a theme song by Hirokazu Tanaka, known as the "Glorious March" theme in the Lost Tapes album.


A kiosk unit of M82 on display in an arcade-style cabinet.

The unit contained up to 12 pre-selected cartridges and allowed players to select between them using the red button on the front centre. A play time limit of 30 seconds, 3, 6 or 128 minutes would be set by a button on the rear of the unit, after which the system would reset. The unit requires a coax key to access the cartridge slots.

NES logo.png