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DS Download Play

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DS Download Play is a feature of the Nintendo DS family of consoles, also available for the Nintendo 3DS family. The feature allows the player to download temporary copies of software wirelessly for free, and without a Game Card. These can include demos, smaller multiplayer versions of the game, tools like Poké Transfer and exclusive games like PokéPark: Fishing Rally DS. The software disappears after the console is powered off, so it must be download again from the original source to play it in multiple sessions. Once the host turns their console off, quits and returns to the title screen, or returns to their console's respective menu (Only available on Nintendo DSi or Nintendo 3DS all other players will be redirected to a screen that tells them to power off the system, or a screen that tells you that the system will power off if you press a button, or click on an option on the touch screen.

There are a variety of different means the software can be distributed, including via another retail game that includes a demo, a DS Download Station, or the Wii Nintendo Channel.

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Components Game Card (DS • DSi)
Add-on devices
Pre-loaded software Nintendo DSi Browser
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