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Dragon Quest
ドラゴンクエスト Doragon Kuesto
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is dedicated to chronicling the Dragon Quest series.
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Dragon Quest is a series of role-playing games developed and released by Enix, and after the merger Square Enix. For its western releases, the series was originally known as Dragon Warrior (persisting up to the fourth main series game) due to legal issues with using the Dragon Quest name specifically with a pen-and-paper RPG called DragonQuest by Simulations Publications, Inc.[1] The series would not use the Dragon Quest title in the west until 2004, with the original release of the Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King.
With its first game releasing in 1986, Dragon Quest is one of Square Enix's largest and best-selling franchises, with over 100 total titles in the series[2] and sales of over 84 million units worldwide.[3]
External links
 The Dragon Quest series on other NIWA Wikis:
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