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Bulbapedia logo.png

Liam Pomfret (Archaic)




Main area of focus Pokémon logo.png
Side areas of focus

Super Smash Bros series logo

Page statistics
Content articles -*
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Uploaded files 0*
Edit statistics
Page edits since set up -*
Average edits per page -*
User statistics
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Active users










Junior Administrators


Senior Administrators


Editorial Board


Check users




Technical staff


View statistics
Page views since the Bulbapedia was set up N/A*
Average views per edit N/A*
Bulbagarden Networks
  • Highest-trafficked portion of website
  • Shares Bulbagarden Archives with Bulbanews and RPGwiki
Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis
  • Founding member
  • Still has membership
  • English-language member
  • Founding member (First Wave)
  • Still has membership
  • Representative focusing on Pokémon

Bulbapedia is a community-driven indepedent English wiki about the Pokémon series. Founded in 2004, and opened to the public in 2005, Bulbapedia is a sector of Bulbagarden, a Pokémon fan community. Its name is a portmanteau of "Bulbagarden", the Pokémon website that runs Bulbapedia, and "encyclopedia". Both Bulbapedia and Bulbagarden get their names from Bulbasaur, the first Pokémon listed in the National Pokédex order. Bulbasaur also acts as the mascot for Bulbapedia under Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis.

Bulbapedia is one of the founding members of NIWA, along with Super Mario Wiki and Zelda Wiki.


Bulbapedia began as an idea for a Pokémon wiki, in the style of Wikipedia, to be set up by the Pokémon community. Eventually, Bulbagarden took the initiative, with Zhen Lin establishing the wiki in private on December 21, 2004 and Bulbagarden second-in-command evkl assuming authority as its first Editor-in-Chief. The original period of development looked for members of the Bulbagarden community to write for "a collaborative and open work environment which makes interacting with other staff and looking up information very simple." This proved unsuccessful, but Bulbapedia proceeded with around a dozen contributors, and reached 100 articles within three weeks.

It later opened to the public on February 14, 2005, and was marketed as "Bulbagarden's Valentine's Gift to the Fandom". Under evkl, the wiki grew from Bulbagarden's pet project to a large database of information. Over 21 new articles were created within the first 24 hours of operation, and within the first three months 1,000 articles had been written. evkl handed handed off control of the wiki to Zhen Lin in early 2006. The 10,000th article was created three years later, on June 29, 2008.

In April 2006, Bulbapedia and the German PokéWiki would come together to create Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis, a multilingual network of Pokémon Wikis. The project currently includes seven member wikis of various languages, being: Bulbapedia (English), PokéWiki (German), Pokémon Wiki (Japanese), Poképédia (French), Pokémon Central (Italian), WikiDex (Spanish), and 52Poké Wiki (Chinese). Under Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis, Bulbapedia is labeled under the color green.

At one point, the administrator of Zelda Wiki contacted Archaic, the webmaster of Bulbapedia, about a possible affiliation. From these talks, it was decided that, rather than a simple affiliation, that the two would start a network of Nintendo wikis (originally called "Independent Nintendo Wikis"), expanding upon the concept of the Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis project. Zelda Wiki would later convince Super Mario Wiki to join, and on February 14, 2010 (the fifth anniversary of the public launch of Bulbapedia), the Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance was launched.

In April 2017, an app version of Bulbapedia was launched for Android devices.

Current staff

Bulbapedia logo.png  Main article: Bulbapedia:Staff 

Wiki Link N-Wiki Link Forum Link Other Position(s)
Executive Staff
Archaic Archaic NIWA profile Webmaster, Owner of Bulbagarden Network
digBMGF N/A N/A Chief of Staff
Enzap N/A N/A Deputy Chief of Staff
evkl N/A NIWA profile Vice-Webmaster, Founding Editor-in-Chief
Kogoro N/A N/A Interim Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Archives Liaison, Chief of Staff
MAGNEDETH N/A NIWA profile Vice-Webmaster
Editorial Board
abcboy N/A N/A Head of Games
Adil N/A NIWA profile Head of Anime
Ataro N/A N/A Head of Manga
Darkeiya N/A N/A Head of Art
glik N/A NIWA profile Head of TCG
Pokemaster97 Pokemaster97 NIWA profile Editor-in-Chief
SnorlaxMonster SnorlaxMonster NIWA profile NIWA Executive Board
Special Assistant, Bulbagarden Archives Advisory Council, Bulbanews Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Spriteit N/A N/A Special Assistant, Bulbagarden Archives Administrator
ArcToraphim N/A N/A Head of Shipping
Force Fire N/A N/A N/A
G50 N/A N/A N/A
Maverick Nate N/A N/A N/A
Zesty Cactus N/A NIWA profile N/A
Senior Administrators
神奇超龍 N/A N/A Bulbanews Writer
Blazingfist N/A N/A N/A
Chosen N/A N/A N/A
Crystal Talian N/A N/A N/A
Dennou Zenshi N/A N/A N/A
Nuva-kal N/A N/A Bulbagarden Archives Senior Administrator
Tiddlywinks N/A NIWA profile N/A
Umeko N/A N/A N/A
Carmenstar97 N/A N/A N/A
Celadonkey N/A N/A N/A
CycloneGU N/A N/A N/A
Daniel Carrero N/A N/A N/A
Frozen Fennec N/A N/A N/A
ht14 N/A N/A N/A
MisterE13 N/A N/A N/A
Ruixiang95 N/A N/A N/A
Wowy N/A N/A N/A
Junior Administrators
Awesomelink234 N/A N/A N/A
BthrussellUK N/A N/A N/A
BigDocFan N/A N/A N/A
Eridanus N/A N/A N/A
Nescientist N/A N/A N/A
Rockapheller N/A N/A N/A
TehPerson N/A N/A N/A

External links

Pokémon series logo
Main series
Generation I

JP: Pokémon Red and Green • Pokémon Blue • Pokémon Pikachu
NA: Pokémon Red and Blue • Pokémon Yellow

Generation II

Pokémon Gold and Silver • Pokémon Crystal

Generation III

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire • Pokémon Emerald
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Generation IV

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl • Pokémon Platinum
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver (Pokéwalker)

Generation V

Pokémon Black and White • Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (Poké Transfer • Pokémon Dream World)

Generation VI

Pokémon X and Y
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Generation VII

Pokémon Sun and Moon • Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

Generation VIII

Pokémon Sword and Shield
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl • Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Generation IX

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Side series
Arena games
Pokémon Snap series
Mystery Dungeon series Red Rescue Team / Blue Rescue Team (Rescue Team DX) • Explorers of Time / Explorers of Darkness / Explorers of Sky • Mystery Dungeon WiiWare • Gates to Infinity • Super Mystery Dungeon
Pokémon Ranger series Pokémon Ranger • Shadows of Almia • Guardian Signs
TCG games
Pokémon Battle Chess series Pokémon Battle Chess BW Version (Pokémon Battle Chess WEB demo)  • Pokémon Battle Chess  • Pokémon Battle Chess W
Pikachu games
Pokémon Pinball Pinball • Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire
Puzzle games
Pokémon Rumble series Rumble • Rumble Blast • Rumble U • Rumble World • Rumble Rush
Other games
PC games Project Studio • PokéROM • Play It (Version 2) • Masters Arena • PC Master • Team Turbo
Pokémon mini Pokémon Party mini • Pokémon Pinball mini • Pokémon Puzzle Collection • Pokémon Zany Cards • Pokémon Tetris • Pokémon Puzzle Collection Vol. 2 • Pokémon Race mini • Pichu Bros. mini • Togepi no Daibouken • Pokémon Sodateyasan mini
PICO software
Self-contained (non-Pokémon mini) Pokémon Pikachu • Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS  • Pokémotion  • Eevee × Tamagotchi
e-Reader applications/games Berry Tree • Construction: Action • Construction: Melody Box • Ditto Leapfrog • Diving Corsola • Doki Doki Kakurenbo • Dream Eater • Fire Hoops • Flower Power • Fruit Daisakusen! • Flying Journey • Follow Hoothoot • GO, Poliwrath! • Gotcha! • Harvest Time • Here Comes Gloom • Hold Down Hoppip • Imakuni?'s Ball • Jumping Doduo • Kingler's Day • Leek Game • Lifesaver • Machop At Work • Magby and Magmar • Make A Dash! • Metronome • Mighty Tyranitar • Night Flight • Pika Pop • Punching Bags • Ride the Tuft • Rolling Voltorb • Sneak and Snatch • Sweet Scent • Time Travel • Tokotoko Truck • Watch Out! • Wooper's Juggling Game
Gekkan Coin Toss: Pokémon Card Magazine (via Satellaview) • Shin Game Design • Satoshi Tajiri: A Man Who Created Pokémon (book) • Game Freak Asobi no Sekai Hyoujun o Nurikaeru Creative Shuudan • Ken Sugimori Works • Satoshi Tajiri: A Man Who Created Pokémon (manga)
Related NIWA Wiki: Bulbapedia icon English Bulbapedia icon • Pokémon Central Wiki logo Italian Pokémon Central Wiki logo

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Pokémon series

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Splatoon series

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Kingdom Hearts series
Kingdom Hearts Wiki


Magical Vacation series

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Lylat Wiki

Metroid Wiki

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Metroid Wiki


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Animal Crossing series


Pikmin series

Pikmin Fanon

Pikmin series
Pikmin Fanon

Rhythm Heaven Wiki

Rhythm Heaven series
Rhythm Heaven Wiki


Super Smash Bros. series

Starfy Wiki

Starfy series
Starfy Wiki


No specific series

Super Mario Wiki

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Super Mario 64

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Wars Wiki


EarthBound series


Kirby series

Xeno Series Wiki

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Xeno Series Wiki

Zelda Wiki

The Legend of Zelda series
Zelda Wiki

Former Wikis:

Donkey Kong Wiki

Donkey Kong series
Donkey Kong Wiki

Dragon Quest Wiki

Dragon Quest series
Dragon Quest Wiki

Mystery Dungeon Franchise Wiki

Mystery Dungeon series
Mystery Dungeon Franchise Wiki