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Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
ポケモンXD 闇の旋風ダーク・ルギア Pokemon XD Yami no Senpū Dāku Rugia
 Cover artwork of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness
N. America:
October 3, 2005
August 4, 2005
November 18, 2005
November 19, 2005
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness is a Pokémon spin-off title released for the Nintendo GameCube in 2005. The game is the sequel to Pokémon Colosseum, developed by Genius Sonority and published by Nintendo.
Pre-ordering the game allowed players to receive a custom skin for the Nintendo GameCube console based on the game. In addition, a bundle was released featuring this game which was packaged with a themed cover plate for the console.[1]
Experience the extra dimension!
Using Shadow Pokémon, an evil organization has unleashed a sinister plot of world domination. With Eevee as your companion, and with the help of numerous friends along the way, you must fight against terrible foes and race against time to snag and purify the Shadow Pokémon and save the world!
Experience an all-new expansive story!
A massive adventure awaits you!
Orre has never been more treacherous!
Unravel the mystery of Shadow Lugia!
Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness is once again set in the Orre region, five years after the events of Colosseum. At the beginning of the game, a group controlling a new Shadow Pokémon, Shadow Lugia, attacks the cargo ship S.S. Libra, using Shadow Lugia's powers to carry the ship away. At Pokémon HQ Lab,
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Gameplay mostly remains the same as in Pokémon Colosseum. Battles largely use the Double Battle format introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions, the main goal being able to catch Shadow Pokémon and purify their hearts to return them to normal. This can be done either by battling or walking. When using a Shadow Pokémon in battle, it may start to disobey the player, at which point the player must use the "Call" command to calm them down. In addition to Shadow Pokémon, the player may also use Poké Spots to catch wild Pokémon.
Technical details
External links