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Nintendo Classic Mini: Family Computer

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Nintendo Classic Mini: Family Computer
ニンテンドークラシックミニ ファミリーコンピュータ
Nintendo Classic Mini Famicom logo.png
Nintendo Classic Mini Famicom.jpg
No. of games 30
No. of launch titles N/A
Best-selling game N/A
Last game N/A
Technical details
Media Digital built-in titles
Storage capacity SK hynix 256 MB DDR3 RAM
Spansion 512 MB SLC NAND flash memory, TSOP48
CPU Allwinner R16 SoC
Model no. CLV-101
Can connect with N/A
Input Built-in controllers
Backwards compatible with N/A
Services provided N/A
Launch date November 10, 2016[1]
Discontinue date N/A
Units sold 567,000*[2]
Predecessor Successor

The Nintendo Classic Mini: Family Computer is a miniature version of the Family Computer with a set of built-in games, released exclusively in Japan on November 10, 2016. The system is the Japanese variant of the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition.


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In April 2017, Nintendo posted a message on the official website stating that production of the system has temporarily ended.[3][4]


Like the NES Classic Edition, the Nintendo Classic Mini: Famicom is a scaled-down model HVC-001 Family Computer, measuring at 142.47mm high by 97.45mm across (approximately 60% smaller than the original)[5]. The console is powered by a USB-based power source (not included with the system, though the console can use any USB cable and USB-based AC Adapter or device for power)[6], and outputs video through HDMI[6]. The two controllers are built into the system like on the original, though unlike the Classic NES Controller (which is a full-size Nintendo Entertainment System Controller) the cords and controllers have also scaled-down to the new size of the console. Like the original, on the top of the console are the power and reset buttons, and while the eject button, cartridge cover and expansion port are kept as part of the system's design, they are completely inoperable.


The Nintendo Classic Mini: Family Computer features 30 Family Computer and Famicom Disk System games built into the system, though the lineup of games is different from the NES Classic Edition:[7]


External links


  1. ニンテンドークラシックミニ ファミリーコンピュータ. Retrieved September 30, 2016
  2. Japan - Famicom Classic Edition/3DS/Wii U total sales for 2016, top 10 software for 2016. GoNintendo (January 5, 2017). Retrieved January 5, 2017.
  3. Daan Koopman on Twitter (April 13, 2017). Retrieved April 14, 2017.
  4. The Famicom Classic Edition Has Now Also Been Discontinued. Nintendo Life (April 14, 2017). Retrieved April 14, 2017.
  5. ニンテンドークラシックミニ ファミリーコンピュータ. Retrieved October 10, 2016
  6. 6.0 6.1 Famicom Classic Edition - official Q&A. GoNintendo (October 9, 2016). Retrieved October 10, 2016.
  7. Nintendo Classic Mini: Famicom announced for Japan. Nintendo Everything (September 29, 2016). Retrieved September 30, 2016.

NES logo.png