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Super Game Boy

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The Super Game Boy logo

The Super Game Boy (Japanese: スーパーゲームボーイ) is a peripheral for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It is a cartridge that contains a slot for Game Boy games, allowing them to be played on a television via the SNES.

In addition to this, many Game Boy games have special built-in borders, usually with one special border (with exceptions such as Balloon Fight GB having two or more). On rarer occasions, the Super Game Boy offers enhancements for the game, such as audio improvements and a separate SNES version of the game (Game Boy version of Space Invaders).

The Super Game Boy does not work with Game Boy Color only (CGB code) cartridges.

It is succeeded by the Japan-only Super Game Boy 2.

List of Super Game Boy enhanced games

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Nintendo IP

Notes: Pokémon Crystal is normally incompatible with the Super Game Boy, but Super Game Boy data from Pokémon Gold and Silver including the Pocket Monsters Gold Version border and palettes are leftover in the code.[3]

Third-party (but game is copyright Nintendo)

Third-party (but published or distributed by Nintendo)




SNES logo.png
click for the Page "Game Boy Color"


Game Boy • Game Boy Pocket • Game Boy Light • Game Boy Color • Game Boy Advance (hardware family)

Components / other

Media: Game Pak (GB • GBC)