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Sutte Hakkun series

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Sutte Hakkun
Sutte Hakkun logo.png
Creator: Nintendo/Indieszero
First game: Sutte Hakkun Event Version (1997)
Latest game: Sutte Hakkun (1999)
For in-depth information:
is dedicated to chronicling the Sutte Hakkun series.
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is another wiki dedicated to {{{niwa2-purpose}}} the Sutte Hakkun series.

Sutte Hakkun is an action puzzle game introduced on the Satellaview starring a colorless blob with a needle nose. Four unique versions, with all but two released as a Satellaview broadcast were released.

It is known as the first game of indieszero. The puzzles start off easy but can become quite difficult. Gameplay involves Sutte Hakkun sucking up and replacing blocks to use as platforms. The aim of each level is to collect the rainbow shards, completing it. However, Hakkun must avoid falling into a hole or touching the spike traps. The blocks can be filled with color using the red, blue and yellow bottles. When they match a specific color the blocks will move horizontally, vertically or diagonally.


Game JP release NA release EU release AUS release KOR release Platform
Main Games
Sutte Hakkun Event Version 1997 N/A N/A N/A N/A Super Famicom (Satellaview)
Sutte Hakkun (Nintendo Power) 1998 N/A N/A N/A N/A Super Famicom (Nintendo Power)
Sutte Hakkun BS Version 2 1998 N/A N/A N/A N/A Super Famicom (Satellaview)
Sutte Hakkun 98 Fuyu Event Version 1998 N/A N/A N/A N/A Super Famicom (Satellaview)
Sutte Hakkun 1999 N/A N/A N/A N/A Super Famicom
Sutte Hakkun GB Cancelled N/A N/A N/A N/A Game Boy Color

External links


Sutte Hakkun series logo
Nintendo logo white.png