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Wii Sports: Airplane

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Wii Sports: Airplane
Developer(s): Nintendo
Publisher(s): N/A
Platform: Wii
Category: Simulation
Players: 1
Predecessor: N/A
Successor: N/A

Wii Sports: Airplane is an airplane simulation tech demo for the Wii, showcased at E3 2006 to demonstrate the motion gameplay enabled by the Wii Remote. As one of the "Wii Sports" demos not included with the original Wii Sports title, this demo would instead be the basis for the Air Sports mode included in 2009's Wii Sports Resort.


Players fly across a small island in an airplane, holding Wii Remote forward horizontally and tilting it to steer, or thrusting it forward for a brief speed boost. The main objective of the demo is to fly through a path of rings, each ring giving the player points. A timer will appear at the top right when time is almost over, and after finishing the player is given the total number of rings they flew through and their score out of 120 points.[1]

Technical details

Technical details
Input / compatible controllers: Wii Remote


  1. E3 2006: Wii Sports Airplane. charbaxgv1 (July 3, 2012). Retrieved December 6, 2017.

Nintendo tech demos
Game Boy / Color Eclipse • Game Boy Color Promotional Demo • Lunar Chase (May 1991 tech demo)
SNES Fundoshi-kun 3D Tool • Game Processor/Mario Factory demos (Mario Bros.) (HAL College: Easy Racer, Sweet Honey Action, Puzzle & Bread, FLOWER, Radio Puzzle, Wonderful my race) • Nintendo DSP1 • SGB Test Program • SFX Test • SNES Glider
Virtual Boy Donkey Kong Country • Mario Demo • VUE Sample
Nintendo 64 / 64DD CatRoots (tech demo) • DDspgame • Mirror House Cornflakes • Snake Tail Hack • Super Mario 64 Disk Version
Game Boy Advance Donkey Kong Plus • Goldfish Scoop • Mario Kart XXL • NDDEMO • Yoshi Sample
Nintendo GameCube Peach's Castle • Super Mario 128
Nintendo DS Balloon Trip • Carving • DSpeak • Mario's Face • Mario Motors • Submarine • Table Hockey
Wii Wii Sports: Airplane • Remote Pointer Demo: Obstacle Course • Remote Pointer Demo: Shooting • Remote Pointer Demo: Table Tennis • Wii Music: Orchestra
Nintendo 3DS 3D Challenge • 3D Jumper • Classic Collection
Wii U Battle Mii • Chase Mii • Japanese Garden Tech Demo • Measure Up • New Super Mario Bros. Mii • Project Giant Robot • Shield Pose • Zelda HD Experience
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Wii series logo
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Wii Fit Wii Fit • Wii Fit Plus • Wii Fit U
Wii Party Wii Party • Wii Party U
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