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List of non-affiliated, longstanding Nintendo wiki communities

From NintendoWiki, your source on Nintendo information. By fans, for fans.
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This article is a list of existing or past Nintendo related wikis which have been longstanding (defined as at least five years), at least 100 articles and have had a community of more than only one or two members. This list is also about wikis not affiliated or part of Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance, Encyclopædiæ Pokémonis or the Mushroom World Encyclopedia including wikis hosted on wiki farms.

See also: NIWA affiliated wikis


Broad focus


Wikimedia Foundation (Wikipedias)

Wikipedia is run as a general wide-scale tertiary encyclopedia and has millions of articles and many different language versions. It has an emphasis on reliable sources (secondary independent trusted websites and not user generated content), citation/verifiability and moderation. Lots of Nintendo content is covered on Wikipedia, but the wiki has policies against certain content like in-game strategy content/character information without reliable sources. Instead there is a focus on the game's impact on the industry and society, such as reception on rating websites and the gaming press. For these reasons, a large portion of Nintendo content is not covered on Wikipedia, although some of the content against the policy remains.

The English Wikipedia has a sub-portal of the video games portal known as the Nintendo task force.

Grey legality

These communities have information about subjects that are legally debatable or otherwise may not be legal.


Datacrystal is the wiki. Users occasionally contribute the data structures of video games not limited to Nintendo games there (such as ROM Maps and RAM Maps).

The Cutting Room Floor

The Cutting Room Floor ( is a wiki about data-mining video games with a side focus on prerelease material, prototypes and glitches, and is linked with the jul.rustedlogic forum.

Wiibrew, 3DBrew, Switchbrew

Wikis about the internal structures and hacking Nintendo consoles.

General Nintendo

Kyoto Report (

This wiki was founded on April 6, 2012 by Kyoto Ninja, originally spun-off from a blog, and is primarily about Nintendo staff and game credits. It is one of the most detailed sources on this subject. While the wiki is primarily edited by one user it has a userbase and forum of users contributing staff credits.


Nintendopedia ( was a Nintendo wiki but it was closed in December 2007 due to spam, and had its content merged with Nintendo Wiki (Wikia).

Nintendo Wiki (Wikia)

Nintendo Wiki, hosted on Wikia was founded by Tracco on March 15, 2006. Due to spam on Nintendopedia, content from that wiki was merged to Nintendo Wiki on December 2007. It has various affiliates of other Wikia/Fandom communities and is part of a general gaming portal. It has over 25100 articles. Unlike NintendoWiki it has a larger scope and covers subjects such as individual characters and third party Nintendo products not published by Nintendo.

Kirby series

Kirby Wiki (Wikia)

A Wikia wiki about the Kirby series with over 2200 articles.

Pokémon series

Bulbapedia logo.png This article is a short summary of List of non-affiliated, longstanding Nintendo wiki communities.
Bulbapedia features a more in-depth article.

Azurilland Wiki

A Gamepedia Pokémon wiki (a service hosted by Curse until it was absorbed into Wikia) associated with the Marilland community and forum. It was originally The Pokémon Wiki however the community split, and some people started Azurilland Wiki while others stayed on The Pokémon Wiki.

Glitch City Laboratories' Wiki

Glitch City Laboratories was a website spun off by a series of smaller Pokémon related websites by Abwayax, and became a popular website and forum specifically all about Pokémon glitches in December 2005. In February 2009 a wiki version of the site was started secretly, and eventually became public.

The wiki covers information about Pokémon glitches, curiosities, data-mining, extrapolated 'glitch' data in databases or listings (such as glitch Pokémon, glitch items, glitch moves and glitch moves), unused content in the Pokémon games, and sometimes shares links with Bulbapedia. It has over 3500 articles. "Project Caspar" was also formed to cover some information about non-Pokémon related glitches (although most articles are now covered in one big listing for that game; a similar setup to The Cutting Room Floor), although the wiki still considers itself to be primarily a Pokémon site.

In its later life, the wiki formed a network with Prama Initiative (French), Legendary Star Blob 2 (Japanese), Missingno. Glitch City (Italian); websites in different languages all focused on Pokémon glitches, as well as the Pokémon Speedruns website/forum community and wiki. In the past Glitch City Laboratories also attracted members from a similar now defunct Pokémon glitch community called Hall of Origin which covered more information about modern Pokémon glitches such as Tweaking and had a small wiki for a brief period of time but was not related to it.

On July 12, 2020 Photon-Phoenix announced the site's closure due to staff burnout and the situation related to the Pokémon source code/Nintendo Space World leaks (in order to wipe the leaks clean from the site), offering a new community to takeover it called Glitch City Metropolis. A Discord channel called the Glitch City Research Institute was then formed. The contents of the wiki and forum are being archived and will be locked.

PokéFanon (Wikia)

A Wikia hosted Pokémon Fanon wiki


A wiki that hosts Pokémon related images, and other Nintendo related media

The Pokémon Wiki (Wikia)

A Wikia hosted Pokémon series encyclopedia with over 17600 articles.

Mario series

MarioWiki (Wikia)

A Wikia hosted Mario series encyclopedia with over 8400 articles.


Rare Witch Project

The Rare Witch Project is a community and wiki dedicated to games developed by Rare. Rare is no longer a Nintendo-owned company and is now owned by Microsoft in law, however games which were once more closely related to Nintendo or still are such as Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo-Kazooie are covered there.

The Legend of Zelda series

Zelda Wiki logo.png This article is a short summary of List of non-affiliated, longstanding Nintendo wiki communities.
Zelda Wiki features a more in-depth article.


Pokémon series

Pokémon Wiki (Korean) (Wikia)

A Wikia hosted Pokémon encyclopedia in Korean


Pokémon series

La Wikia de Pokéfanon

A Spanish Pokémon Fanon wiki on Wikia affiliated with the English PokéFanon

Kirby series logo
Main series

Kirby's Dream Land • Adventure (Nightmare in Dream Land) • Dream Land 2 • Super Star (Ultra) • Dream Land 3 • 64: The Crystal Shards • Amazing Mirror • Squeak Squad • Return to Dream Land (Deluxe) • Triple Deluxe • Planet Robobot • Star Allies • Forgotten Land

Other games
Wikirby icon.png Related NIWA Wiki Wikirby icon.png
Super Mario series logo
Ports and remakes
Multiplayer-focused games
Mario Kart Super Mario Kart • 64 • Super Circuit • Double Dash!! • DS • Wii • 7 • 8 (Deluxe) • Tour • Home Circuit
Mario Party Mario Party • 2 • 3 • 4 • -e • 5 • 6 • Advance • 7 • 8 • 9 • DS • Island Tour • 10 • Star Rush • The Top 100 • Super Mario Party • Superstars • Jamboree
Other games
Dr. Mario Dr. Mario • 64 • + Puzzle League • Online Rx • Express • Dr. Luigi • Miracle Cure • World
Mario vs. Donkey Kong Mario vs. Donkey Kong (Nintendo Switch) • March of the Minis • Minis March Again! • Mini-Land Mayhem! • Minis on the Move • Tipping Stars • amiibo Challenge
Crossover games
e-Reader applications (Mario Party-e) Free Challenge: Cast Away Mario!  • Mario's Mallet  • Daisy's Rodeo!  • Fast Feed Yoshi!
Wonder Challenge: Lakitu's Luck, Spinister Bowser
Duel Challenge: Bolt from Boo, Time Bomb Ticks!, Wario's Bluff, Balloon Burst!
Applications I Am a Teacher: Super Mario Sweater • Mario Calculator • Mario Clock • Photos with Mario • Shitamachi Ninjou Gekijou (Satellaview magazine)
Related NIWA Wikis:
Super Mario series: Super Mario Wiki icon English Super Mario Wiki icon • MarioWiki icon German MarioWiki icon • Super Mario Wiki (Italian) icon Italian Super Mario Wiki (Italian) icon
Super Mario 64: Ukikipedia icon Ukikipedia Ukikipedia icon

Pokémon series logo
Main series
Generation I

JP: Pokémon Red and Green • Pokémon Blue • Pokémon Pikachu
NA: Pokémon Red and Blue • Pokémon Yellow

Generation II

Pokémon Gold and Silver • Pokémon Crystal

Generation III

Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire • Pokémon Emerald
Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen

Generation IV

Pokémon Diamond and Pearl • Pokémon Platinum
Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver (Pokéwalker)

Generation V

Pokémon Black and White • Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 (Poké Transfer • Pokémon Dream World)

Generation VI

Pokémon X and Y
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire

Generation VII

Pokémon Sun and Moon • Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!

Generation VIII

Pokémon Sword and Shield
Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl • Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Generation IX

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

Side series
Arena games
Pokémon Snap series
Mystery Dungeon series Red Rescue Team / Blue Rescue Team (Rescue Team DX) • Explorers of Time / Explorers of Darkness / Explorers of Sky • Mystery Dungeon WiiWare • Gates to Infinity • Super Mystery Dungeon
Pokémon Ranger series Pokémon Ranger • Shadows of Almia • Guardian Signs
TCG games
Pokémon Battle Chess series Pokémon Battle Chess BW Version (Pokémon Battle Chess WEB demo)  • Pokémon Battle Chess  • Pokémon Battle Chess W
Pikachu games
Pokémon Pinball Pinball • Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire
Puzzle games
Pokémon Rumble series Rumble • Rumble Blast • Rumble U • Rumble World • Rumble Rush
Other games
PC games Project Studio • PokéROM • Play It (Version 2) • Masters Arena • PC Master • Team Turbo
Pokémon mini Pokémon Party mini • Pokémon Pinball mini • Pokémon Puzzle Collection • Pokémon Zany Cards • Pokémon Tetris • Pokémon Puzzle Collection Vol. 2 • Pokémon Race mini • Pichu Bros. mini • Togepi no Daibouken • Pokémon Sodateyasan mini
PICO software
Self-contained (non-Pokémon mini) Pokémon Pikachu • Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS  • Pokémotion  • Eevee × Tamagotchi
e-Reader applications/games Berry Tree • Construction: Action • Construction: Melody Box • Ditto Leapfrog • Diving Corsola • Doki Doki Kakurenbo • Dream Eater • Fire Hoops • Flower Power • Fruit Daisakusen! • Flying Journey • Follow Hoothoot • GO, Poliwrath! • Gotcha! • Harvest Time • Here Comes Gloom • Hold Down Hoppip • Imakuni?'s Ball • Jumping Doduo • Kingler's Day • Leek Game • Lifesaver • Machop At Work • Magby and Magmar • Make A Dash! • Metronome • Mighty Tyranitar • Night Flight • Pika Pop • Punching Bags • Ride the Tuft • Rolling Voltorb • Sneak and Snatch • Sweet Scent • Time Travel • Tokotoko Truck • Watch Out! • Wooper's Juggling Game
Gekkan Coin Toss: Pokémon Card Magazine (via Satellaview) • Shin Game Design • Satoshi Tajiri: A Man Who Created Pokémon (book) • Game Freak Asobi no Sekai Hyoujun o Nurikaeru Creative Shuudan • Ken Sugimori Works • Satoshi Tajiri: A Man Who Created Pokémon (manga)
Related NIWA Wiki: Bulbapedia icon English Bulbapedia icon • Pokémon Central Wiki logo Italian Pokémon Central Wiki logo
The Legend of Zelda series logo
Main series

The Legend of Zelda (Classic NES Series) • The Adventure of Link (Classic NES Series) • A Link to the Past • Link's Awakening (DX • Nintendo Switch) • Ocarina of Time (Master Quest • 3D) • Majora's Mask (3D) • Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons • The Wind Waker (HD) • Four Swords (Anniversary Edition) • Four Swords Adventures • The Minish Cap • Twilight Princess (HD) • Phantom Hourglass • Spirit Tracks • Skyward Sword (HD) • A Link Between Worlds • Tri Force Heroes • Breath of the Wild • Tears of the Kingdom • Echoes of Wisdom

Other games
BS-X games BS The Legend of Zelda • The Ancient Stone Tablets • Triforce of the Gods
Tingle games Freshly-Picked Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland • Ripened Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love • Tingle's Balloon Fight DS • Dekisugi Tingle Pack
Other games
Picross games Picross NP Vol. 5 • My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Unreleased games / demos Mystical Seed of Courage • Retro Studios prototype • Tingle horror game • Zelda HD Experience
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia • The Legend of Zelda: Art & Artifacts • The Legend of Zelda: Encyclopedia • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Explorer's Guide
Related NIWA Wiki: Zelda Wiki icon English Zelda Wiki icon • Zeldapendium icon German Zeldapendium icon